You will see a COMPLETE pellet boiler/burner plus Hopper and Auger set - - for DK Kroner 28,500 incl 25% tax (thats more than our Irish 21% VAT.) Less the Danish Tax the RETAIL price is 22,800 Danish Kroner. 22,800 Dk. Kr is equal to €3059 Euro at todays rate.
Add Irish VAT at 21% gives you €3701.39 inclusive. If you add say a generous €350 for transport to Ireland (a container load it would be a good deal less per unit)
That gives you a figure of just €4051 for a high efficiency complete system with recognised Bio Confort Burnerunit, Auger, Hopper and Boiler.
There is NO REASON why a very similar price should not be achieved in good old Rip-Off Ireland

- other than there are nasty, greedy, green-eyed monster, good old Irish gombeen rip-off middle men at work!!!
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