Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Politics Irish Style


Politics Irish Style

Some Famous Irish Politicians
a painting by
Shame-us O'Con-man

I am re-publishing some material in which I commented about the state of Irish politics. This has been sparked off in light of the recent revelation where a politician used thousands of Euro of our money to have himself voted into a celebrity reality TV show. The disgraced politician is now having to pay back the money and to eat humble pie for a few days at any rate. Why I say that is because I believe these guys just don't see what they do as being wrong in any way!

It brings up again the question of what is an Irish Politician? The most popular view would appear to be that she/he is someone who pulls strokes for their own crowd. Pulling strokes for your cronies and friends automatically means you are cheating others. That, for many years in Ireland, is EXACTLY what many people demanded from their politicians, so in a way can you blame the politicians for "playing to the gallery" so to speak?

Least Trusted Professionals
in Ireland
The Politicians

A recent opinion survey clearly indicates that politicians are, by far, the least trusted profession in Ireland? Gee I wonder why ever that might be the case, that the Irish public don't trust the very people they themselves have elected as their representatives, and law makers??

It would seem that a massive, and truly staggering, 88% of Irish people say they do not trust politicians. That figure reflects very poorly indeed on the profession.

Turn the statement the other way around, and you get; politicians are perceived, by the greater majority of Irish people, to be untrustworthy, in other words, liars and cheats. Politics is not a career of choice for the foreseeable future I would think.

I guess banking would not be too far behind!! It would seem that the various pillars on which our society is built are crumbling and disintegrating rapidly. Wonder where this trend is leading?.

The State of Irish Politics
a painting by
Shame-us O'Con-man

End of rant. No further comment!!


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