Thursday, June 23, 2011

Irish Politics and the Fat Cats


Irish FatCats
Show their True Colours

The ESB (Electricity Supply Board) boss is on €400,000 salary. Holy smoke - for such an leaden lump of a state owned company,  that is some stupidly high salary. Worse again, it would seem that the guy is not willing to take a salary cut like the rest of the country - there is a deafening silence from the ESB. I wish I had one tenth of his salary!  Ireland's huge capacity for greed makes me feel like throwing up.

Brendan Howlin Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform recently announced salary caps for the state paid FATCATS including the judges. He asked those currently in office to take smallish 15% voluntary cuts. But a lot of these greedy individuals won’t budge and inch off the gravy train.

"God save Ireland, said the heroes God save Ireland, said they all"  The long running Irish gravy train is fast running out of track. Derailment will hurt us all including the fat cats.


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