Friday, April 25, 2008

New Irish Green Grant Scheme


Minister Ryan Introduces
New Opportunity To Make Money

for "Eco" Consultants and Installers

A new green grant scheme was introduced yesterday by Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources Éamon Ryan. (the guy I wrote about a few weeks ago - the X-ray mix up - do you remember?)

The scheme is essentially aimed at encouraging the retro-fitting of the 1 million older homes with energy saving insulation and control systems. This is something I have been preaching for and ranting about for a long time.

Applicants just might if they are lucky get up to €2,750 but not unless they jump througha lot of hoops, are prepared to pay over the top prices, shelve out a lot of cash, and hand over €100 for a “survey” .

The scheme is initially available to householders in north Tipperary, Limerick, Clare and Dundalk. It will become available elsewhere later on.

The idea is basically a really good one - but already I can smell a bad smell from the application of the scheme.

Catch Number One

But here is the catch: house holders will have to pay out €100 towards a building energy assessment, with the government covering the remainder of the typical €350 fee. Geeeeze!!! €350 for a bloody "survey" - - This is a “licence to print money” for the “eco consultants”. I could insulate my entire attic fully for little more than the cost of the bloody survey.

Catch Number Two

More grants will then be available for 30% of the cost of the insulation etc up to a maximum of €2,500 as recommended by the survey. Oh boy!!! Will there be some back scratching here!!!

I bet you the 30% will be eaten up just like the €4200 wood pellet boiler grant managed to be fully absorbed by the hungry hoards of “specialists”, "cowboys", and gougers that were let loose on an unsuspecting public by SEI. (see previous post "cheaper without the grant")

I predict this is not going to be a great runner. I for one will not be bothering with it. I will be upgrading my attic insulation on a DIY basis. If the minister and his advisors had thought about it, fixing the price of the insulation materials and other supplies needed and then, only then, subsidising the costs, might have been a better approach than the current one of "feeding the greed monster"

Catch Number Three

SEI (Sustainable Energy Ireland), a government agency, is involved, and that does not inspire me with confidence especially after the complete bollix they made of the Wood Pellet Grants Scheme. SEI is a CIE or ESB like institution - the employees being "insulated" from the reality of direct responsibility and consequences. (Heck!! wouldn't I love a job like that)

If you want to risk it - you can ring 1850 927 000 or log on to

I am sure I will get stick for this rant - especially from "eco" consultants and SEI employees - but hey - I can take it!!!

I will do it myself

I have already replaced all the bulbs in by house, garden, and workshop with CFL bulbs (from good prices and excellent quality), and fitted double glazing. This summer I will renew the 30 year old attic insulation myself and will shop around for the best deal in insulation materials - and feck these complex grants!

If I eventually decide to fit a wood pellet boiler - that is when the wood pellet supply and prices have stabilised, I will, most probably, import a boiler from Poland and have my plumber mate fit it alonside my oil boiler and not bother my arse with the grants, inspectors, commissioning agents, paperwork, gougers and "Paddy Tax", or a string of conditions.

Ahhhhhh!!! I feel better after getting that off my chest - nice cup of Cocoa and a bikki now I think!!




  1. Anonymous12:10 PM

    I'm glad you can do everything DIY, but how does that apply for those who haven't a clue? Even those with quite an interest would be better off with a survey to see where the leakages are. The amount of houses which in reality don't reflect the plans is astounding. Shoddy building means that there could be leaks anywhere.

  2. Anonymous12:11 PM

    I'm glad you can do everything DIY, but how does that apply for those who haven't a clue? Even those with quite an interest would be better off with a survey to see where the leakages are. The amount of houses which in reality don't reflect the plans is astounding. Shoddy building means that there could be leaks anywhere.

  3. Couldn't agree more. The whole grants system seems typical of the national sport of gombeenism.

    I'd love to 'green' my house, but it's not exactly made easy!
