Monday, June 19, 2006

What is this Guys Agenda?

People are Asking Questions.

As more and more people are reading this blog, some are starting to ask questions - and rightly so too!

Question like the following:

Q. Who is this guy?
A. I am a regular guy with no business interest in Heating, Wood Pellets or associated lines.

Q. Why don't you identify yourself?
A. My friends know who I am. But I do not want to draw down fire on myself, and believe me there are very annoyed business people out there who hate what this blog is doing.

Q. Isn't this blog just causing confusion, or even spreading mis-information?
A. It is my aim to publish only correct information and prices etc. I will do this to the best of my ability. All the information I publish here is gathered from a wide variety of sources and is passed on to you in good faith. I do not guarantee the accuracy of information whatsoever, but can say honestly that it is, to the best of my knowledge, accurate and correct. If there is incorrect information, it is not knowingly put forth by me. I can only pass on what I myself learn, and no man is an encyclopaedia.

Q. What is this guys agenda?
A. I passionately hate rip-off merchants and price gouging. This is in my blood - there is a race memory of the "Gombeen Men" of Famine times somewhere in my sub-conscious. I am also very very interested in alternative energy. Ireland is perhaps the European capital for Rip-Offs, and Eddie Hobbs proved that well enough - but only touched the tip of the iceberg. In my area of interest I will do my best to outline the Rip-Offs that are muddying the waters of alternative energy. The Irish Government, I believe, did a good thing by introducing grants - but I believe that the situation was not fully thought out. As it stands, I believe, that the grants are encouraging the gougers as much as they might be encouraging a switch over to alternative energy.

Q. Why this blog?
A. To spread alternative energy information as far and wide as possible, to encourage discussion, and to warn people of the rip-offs.

Q. What about the honest merchants and plumbers?
A. I acknowledge that there are many really principled and honest dealers and tradesmen out there. I will point my readers in the right direction when I am convinced of their intergity. But I will always suggest that the buyer beware.

Q. Will you name and shame?
A. No. It is not my business to do that. I will identify the overpricing and the scams, and I invite my readers to add comments with their findings BUT I will NOT name and shame any individual or company. If I find good value I will suggest people look in that direction.

Q. Are you making money from this?
A. Not a single penny.

Q. If you are not making money why do you bother?
A. If everyone took that sort of view - nothing would be done - someone has to ring the bell when there is a fire.

Q. Are you discouraged by the flac?
A. On the contrary, I know I am getting to the gougers when they make noise, and this gives me great encouragement.

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