Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Seems I have annoyed some people!

Gee - the Price of Fame!!!

I have been getting quite a bit of feedback recently on these blogs. Seems more and more people are reading them. Most of the feedback is very supportive and appreciative, but some is to put it mildly - abusive, threatening, bullying and insulting.

Here are a couple of quotes taken from one contributor to a discussion group I subscribe to under the user name of MysterFixIt, he is one VERY annoyed businessman:

"The way I see it is MysterFixIt is proposing theft by defrauding the SEI Grant which is funded by the Tax Payers of this country"
(refering to my suggestion about possible buying co-ops)

"The same person goes on to to give inaccurate information on products that can be purchased in the Czech Republic, a boiler system that is not what he claims it to be"
(I took the information directly from the Czech business site - if it is inaccurate it is NOT my doing)

"He then goes on and gives what could be dangerous information regarding the flue system because it is not accurate for the purpose of the thread being the installation of Pellet Boilers."
(I suggested that high efficiency boilers would do best with insulated or double walled flues)

"I hope we have some readers / participants who are members of our law enforcement or revenue, I do believe conspiracy is an offence, not sure though, it's one of the disadvantages of running an honest business." (I hope so too, coz this guy might need some investigating)

Now how would you read that sort of abuse from someone I had no direct contact with or who I did not even consider or mention in my posts? It would appear he is calling me a potential thief, a liar and a danger to the public. He would also appear to be calling on the law enforcement agencies to investigate me.

Now the thing is - I have nothing to hide from the law or anyone else, other than from abusive bullies like the man quoted above. I am delighted that I have got to him, his response show where he is at. The people who are really mad at these blogs are business people with interests in Pellet Heating. That is not to say ALL people involved in the pellet heating business are mad at my blogs - far from it - I have had very positive feedback from the sensible ones because they have nothing to lose or to hide.

The ones making the loudest protests can only be understood to be annoyed BECAUSE I have touched a raw nerve. The people who are doing their business honestly and ethically have no gripe with these blogs.

Spread the word - pass on a link to these blogs - hopefully the muddy waters will run clear eventually!

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