Sunday, September 02, 2012

HSE Flushing Money Down Toilet


HSE Pays the New Boss
€3,750 per week
While Cutting €130million
of Vital Services
and Spending €37 for €3 worth
of Medicines

The newly appointed head of the HSE Health Service Executive has the neck to defend his €30,000 salary increase, while at the same time health services are being reduced. And money is being flushed down the toilet by paying €37 for €3 worth of medicines, among many other wasteful practices.

The new head of the HSE, one of the most disastrous public sector organisations, was previously earning no less than €165,000 as a public health official. Now he will be earning  €195,000 or €3,750 per week, every week including holiday weeks, wage packet.

Honestly I think this a a vicious kick in the face to those living on welfare, the sick, the disabled, the elderly.

Why doesn't the Health Minister just shoot the sick and elderly and thus save more money to pay these people even more ridiculous salaries.

A health service cutting vital services to the tune of €130million this year and perhaps €700million next year, services needed by the most venerable citizens in the land might be just a little ashamed at the salaries they pay themselves - you would think?  OH NO - Not in the least - they feel totally justified. That is perhaps because they live in a parallel universe.


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