Monday, October 24, 2011

Batteries Super Capacitors Obsolete


This Might just be 
the BIGGEST Thing
in Energy Storage History

Researchers from the National University of Singapore Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Initiative are developing what might turn out to be a world first in energy storage - a fabric like foldable energy-storage membrane.

The basis of the discovery is a polystyrene-based polymer soft, foldable membrane. This membrane does not hold gel or liquid electrolytes which are less stable. It behaves the same as an electrolyte in a capacitor.

The material, converted from organic waste and sandwiched between two graphite plates, can store charge at 0.2 farads per square centimetre. This is an extraordinary amount of charge if the quoted figures are accurate. Ordinary capacitors typically store a maximum of 1 microfarad 1/1,000,000 of a Farad per square centimetre.Than means this discovery - if true - has a capacity 200,000 greater than a standard capacitor WOW!!!!!

In fact this announcement, if fully verified, is ground breaking, Volta and Faraday would be envious, BUT I am holding back my excitement - because I have been disappointed so many times in the past, by EEstor, Ecolocap, Fluidic Energy etc.

Mr Wang Yuzhan, Dr Xie and Ms Wang Qian the inventor

 The key inventor on the team is a young woman called Wang Qian, seen on the right above, who actually devised the breakthrough. But as usual, the head guys and the men crowd-in and take most of the lime-light - oh hell - when will it ever be different!! Will Ms Wang Qian's name go into the history books?

Ultra Low Cost - Ultra Stable - Ultra Capacitors?

If this research effort holds true to the finished commercial product, the cost of high-capacity energy storage will be dramatically reduced. Currently, ball-park costs are about $7 US to store a one farad charge using gel or liquid electrolytes. The research team estimate their membrane to cost no more than about $0.62 sixty two cents per farad.

Added to the financial advantages are: (1) Very High energy density and capacity, (2) Long term and mechanical stability, (3) Safety.

The cost - performance ratio of this capacitor membrane would appear to way surpasses those of lithium ion batteries and even the latest supercapacitors.

The team have successfully filed a US patent for this extraordinary membrane energy storage technology.

I wish the team and the project every success. I really hope this one gets to the finishing line - but I have learned, from past experience, not to hold my breath in anticipation of the outcome.



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