Saturday, March 06, 2010

Your Country Your Call needs a re-think


My Final Post to YCYC

The generating impulse of YCYC (Your Country Your Call) is such a fine and noble effort in these times. The prime sponsors of the initiative, our President and her husband, could not have a higher esteem by my estimation.

However, from that fine genesis, the idea becomes confused and clouded. The web site is looking like a joke with a large percentage of “submissions” which are either spoofs, or have a very poor standard of content and/or presentation. Then there is this blog which does not operate very well and is not moderated properly.

But most of all the idea of having a competition with a large monetary reward for nation saving ideas is like offering to pay Connolly or Pearse for their services. There should be no monetary reward offered for the honour of serving ones country in its time of need.

Finally, the idea of employing an international drinks vendor as a major sponsor is, at least, most distasteful and unbecoming of an initiative born of such high and noble beginnings.

Tony McGinley


1 comment:

  1. couldn't agree more on all points.

    added to the problems you have outlined is the fact the the majority of proposals I've looked at have done absolutely no research. Furthermore people don't even seem to look to see if their idea has already been posted! I have seen about ten "proposals" and I use the term loosely because most of them were probably written down on a beer mat, suggesting people on welfare perform some form of work.

    Now the idea itself, while being far from revolutionary, isn't as bad as some I've seen. So possible it should maybe be looked at. But even the most "in depth" of the proposals on this topic fail to mention what type of work? how it will be monitored? etc
