Friday, March 05, 2010

Help sought on Opop Biocomfort


The Woodpellet Saga Continues
against a Deafening Silence from
Sustainable Energy Ireland (SEI)

Maybe some of my readers can give some advice or help to this man?

Re: Opop Biocomfort 24kw

I must commend you on you're excellent site. It was very informative and useful to me when I was choosing a wood pellet boiler.

I had the above installed by a company in Galway who now appear to have gone out of business and are uncontactable.

I'm afraid I have had quite a few problems with the system. Initially the installer blamed the silo (which I had made from plywood by a local carpenter) and the quality of the pellets. Eventually after some adjustments to the augur feed and changing pellet supplier (am now using pellets from a company called Firestix who import them from Germany) the system started to run OK.

My problem now is that the augur has stopped working. Instead of turning continuously in one direction it makes a half turn in one direction and then a half turn back with the result that it is not feeding pellets. As I cannot contact the company who installed the system I am looking for somebody who may be able to fix this for me.

The only company I can see that provide these are based in Co. Kerry but it would not be feasible for me to contact them as I am based in Co. Roscommon.

I would appreciate any help / advice you can provide.

Thank you,

Contact details:


1 comment:

  1. Dudes. The only way to get that shifty Eamon Ryan to look into this is to poke dail questions at him.

    wood pellet systems are frankly crap and lots of the manufacturers have folded. This is not a problem with solar or geothermal by the way....just the bloody pelleteers

    Everybody get a question worked up to give their local TD to ask Ryan and also make sure that you insist that SEI will only approve a manufacturer that

    1. states how long their dealership/agency will last
    2. give a 3 year sustainable like
    3. enter into a bond with sei to ensure that parts are available for 3 years min
    4. and if they go tits up within 3 years you will be fully funded to replace by SEI

    Next loony green scam will be hot air balloons no doubt.
