Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Your Country Your Call part 3


YCYC Website Letting the Side Down

Poor functionality and lack of management on the "Your Country Your Call" website is causing some confusion and frustration.

Already there are over 1,100 proposals submitted to the site. At that rate of posting, it could easily reach 20,000 to 30,000 proposals by the end of the competition. What hope would the committee have of sifting that sort of number?

The YCYC site lacks smooth and instinctive interface, entering a proposal is no easy job - it is not at all clear how one should proceed. The blog on the site has not, to date, been moderated and comments are backing up at a rapid rate, with the comments reflecting an increasing degree of frustration. The blog does not have even the most basic means of formatting comments.

All of this is not helping the image of this worthy effort. I hope those charged with the YCYC website management wake up soon and start to do their job properly.


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