Saturday, February 27, 2010

Diageo and "Your Country Your Call"


“Your Country Your Call”

Why is a multi-national alcoholic drink company with head offices in London so intimately tied up with an Irish Presidential initiative whose aim is to better Ireland’s psychological and monetary situation?

Would an international gambling or casino company be considered an equally good partner for “Your Country Your Call”? Would a gun manufacturer be a good partner in such a relationship? Most probably not, I guess, would be the majority reply.

So why should an alcohol seller be considered a good moral and ethical partner in an initiative that aims to do the opposite for Ireland than drink has historically done?

Undisputable evidence shows that alcohol;

(a) has ravaged family life in Ireland,
(b) has drastically reduced the efficiency of the Irish work-force,
(c) is costing the health service, social services, gardai, and local services countless extra millions every single year,
(d) is a large factor in giving the Irish a yob image internationally,
(e) is an addictive and health damaging drug,
(f) and is currently decimating our youth through binge drinking.

What Cost Diageo's Helping Hand?

Any money given by Diageo to help Ireland out, is only a drop in the ocean compared to the true cost to the country that the alcoholic drinks sold by that company cost in terms of illness, alcoholism, family violence, hospital A&E units packed with drunks, missed work days, road deaths, and binge drinking among youth, to mention just a few.

Ireland needs to wake up to the reality of the effects and cost that alcohol imposes on its society.
Alcohol is a liquid addictive drug that causes disease, road deaths, massive family suffering, permanently destroys brain cells, increases the risk of cancer, etc. etc. etc.

I have written to the “Your Country Your Call” organisers and asked that they sever the association with alcohol as a matter of morals and ethics.


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