Monday, May 25, 2009

Spirit of Ireland a Synopsis of the Concept


an attempt to simplify the concept

The Basic Idea.

· The project has been described as the Ardnacrusha (c1929) of today.
· The concept is to utilise Ireland’s endless free energy from the wind – with no pollution – and at no cost to the country.
· To build some 3000 Wind Turbines which will give lots of jobs in the building.

A Hydro-Storage Dam in Wales

· Identify 2 or 3 glacial mountain valleys to be dammed and used for pumped hydro-electric storage of the electricity. Ireland is almost unique in having natural reservoirs with a minimum of dam building needed.
· Turn these newly created waters into amenity and tourist areas. Adding to local development and jobs.
· Generate all our own electricity saving €3billion yearly going out of the country on imported fuels.
· Generate some more electricity than we need and export to UK and Europe.
· Keep Ireland pollution free and energy independent.

How is this to be arranged and managed?

· Currently there is an ad-hoc organising committee of 100% unpaid volunteers giving freely of their time and energy. It consists of engineers, scientists, accountants and others with knowledge and ability.
· The project concept needs to brought fully into the public consciousness and to be openly and co-operatively discussed by the people of Ireland.
· In the way forward there will be roadblocks, there will be vested interests, political football, localised objections, and dozens of difficulties to be overcome.

· If the People of Ireland embrace the idea it will live and prosper as did the Ardncrusha project at the birth of the State. If, on the other hand, the idea is rejected, or it gets bogged down in legislation or argument, it will die.
· If the project gets up and going, there will be a PLC formed which the people of Ireland will own 100%. It will act as a National Energy Co-operative.
· It will be open for subscription to all Irish citizens and will NOT be traded on the stock market.
· Every child in Ireland under 18 will be issued a share.
· The company will operate on behalf of the Irish People - its sole owners.
· The ownership will always remain in Irish hands.
· The project will be kept free of political interference, and out of the hands of investment corporations.

How will it progress?

· It is up to the Irish people. If the people embrace the idea it will proceed, creating a huge boost to the economy and to jobs. It has been described as the Ardnacrusha c1929 of today.
· If the people reject it will fade away.


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