Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Wind Farmers Ways!


Wind Farmers Shyness

Readers of this blog will know I am very well disposed towards wind energy, and that I also have a growing interest in the various types of technology involved. I have been writing posts on wind energy, and the ins and outs of the technology, for some time.

The Shy Ones

It has come as a bit of a surprise to me that my attempts to get an interview with the management of Saorgus Energy Ltd. Tralee, one of the local wind farms, had been met with a wall of coyness, and side stepping that would leave a dance master dizzy. Could be that they think I am out to trip them up or cause conroversy? Or that my blog and its readers are just an annoyance to be ignored, like a blue-bottle buzzing around your soup bowl. Fair enough, I do have a tendency to be cynical, and even sarcastic at times, but only in well deserved cases. I wonder if this gives me an excuse for a cynical rant??

Saorgus Energy Ltd. with an address in Tralee, founded in 1993 and originally called Western Windpower Ltd. The directors are Mike Barry Tralee and Aidan Forde Killarney, and John Bourke Dublin.

I have been on the phone and spoke, at length, to a Saorgus representative on three separate occasions. I have directly asked for some simple form of interview, even a telephone interview, each time I was given an evasive type of reply, saying they would contact me. Yea – in ten years time maybe - if I was still alive!!!

The questions that immediately pop into my head when I get this type of a brick wall or the run–around are: 1. Why are they hiding? 2. What are they hiding? 3. Maybe they just couldn't care less?

Saorgus can be contacted at:

Saorgus Energy Ltd.,
Enterprise House,
Kerry Technology Park,
Listowel Road,
Co. Kerry,
Phone +353 66 7129144
Fax +353 66 7190329

The Gregarious Ones

However, to balance the equation, another company, SWS Natural Resources, has taken a completely different attitude, returning calls, answering question, and issuing an invitation.

SWS Natural Resources, who own, among others, the big wind farm at Kilgarvan populated by huge and elegant Vestas turbines, has a much more open approach to the public and to communications.

I have spoken on a couple of occasions to their Kevin O’Donovan, the SWS wind farm man. He has shared several pieces of information regarding SWS’s projects, and has invited me to attend a future installation of turbines along with my camera and notebook.

A little civility and openness goes a long way.

SWS Natural Resources Ltd
Shinagh House
Co. Cork
Phone: +353 23 41271
Fax: +353 23 41304
SWS Directors: Neil O’Leary, Patrick Hogan, Ulric Kenny, Tim Cowhig


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