Friday, April 18, 2008

Vertigro Algae Farming System


Vertigro - Questions
No Answers Yet

On March 30th last I sent Valcent Vertigro an e-mail asking some very direct questions regarding their Vertigro algae production system.

Hi Guys,

I write a blog on sustainable energy and have posted a piece featuring your ideas.

There have been operational units in production now for perhaps 6 months or longer??, long enough to have some sort of audit of the actual returns from the system. The questions I would love to be able to address in my blog are:

Q1. What is the actual consistent return of oil per acre of the units?
Q2. What are the total production costs per gallon of oil produced?
Q3. What is the maintenance cost per acre per annum?
Q4 What is the actual audited percentage yield of oil form the raw algae?
Q5 How many more units have been built since the originals?

Surprise me with an answer!!!!

Tony McGinley

On the 17th April I finally got this reply - needless to say, I wasn't surprised:

Dear Sir or Madame,

I apologize for the delayed response to your request for more information on Valcent Products (VCTPF:OTCBB) state of the art Algae to Bio-diesel project and our High Density Vertical Growth System that will soon change the way we grow vegetables in North America. As you might be aware, the company was the lead feature on CNN’s website under the Science section of their site and the overwhelming response for information caused our server to temporarily lose data which we have now restored. If you wish a corporate package please send me an email with your mailing address or send an email for information electronically. Furthermore, if you have any questions I can be reached at my office at the numbers listed below. I apologize once again for the error caused by our server and steps have been taken to see that that will not happen again in the future.

Steve McGuire
Sweetwater Capital Corp

There followed roughly three pages of hype and techno-speak with nothing much more that can be gleaned from the Valcent site and other sources. I got bored and weary looking at the stuff. Suffice it to say that none of the questions posed were addressed or answered in either the letter or the business blurb.

Now would that inspire you to invest your hard earned reddies in Vertigro?


1 comment:

  1. I share your regard for specifics and sympathize with producers' reticence to provide them lest they get caught misleading someone. We pay for our entrepreneurial law culture in a variety of ways.

    What's Steve's phone number - I'll call & ask:-)
