Sunday, February 03, 2008

Get the Finger Out!!


Qatar is planning
Either huge Solar or Nuclear plants

Qatar one of the major oil producers is planning either the world's largest solar complex or a dirty great nuclear power plant because they have common sense about total reliance on a fast dwindling world resource. Thankfully, they would appear to be leaning towards the solar option.

Some 3,500 MW (3.5 Giga watts) of solar capacity is in the immediate planning. The longer-term plans are to generate 20% of power from renewable resources by 2036. The solar generation plants will be spread over several sites. Solar capacity could be increased to 4,500MW by 2036. Now these are the guys with the oil - and here are we gobshites, withoput a drop of oil to our names, and we are not up to speed with these guys.

The nuclear and the solar options are two totally separate possible pathways of proceeding and are mutually exclusive. Thankfully the planners seem to be indicating that the solar option is the most likely option to succeed.

Get the Finger Out!!

Here you have a country rich in oil and gas and they are making major plans for alternatives. We in the oil starved West would do well to take notice and get the finger out and start to make realistic plans.


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