Monday, December 17, 2007

Phenomenal Heating Claim by AirOption


Heating a Room with a 100 watt Bulb???

A small Irish company in Ireland has made a very dramatic and sensational claim for a heating system which they have developed. If they are correct in their claim, the system is more efficient than geo-thermal heating systems, and yet is a fraction of the cost and almost maintenance free.

The phenomenal claim by AirOption –CortTech on their Website states that it is a new concept in heating which has been in development over a 5 years period, and has been under test for 2 years. AirOption state that the systems have “shown some astonishing results”.

  • The Coretech system is an electrical under floor heating system
  • It is ON 24/7 for 8 months of the year.
  • CoreTech state regarding the comfort level of the systems; “no other heating system can boast such levels of comfort and control.”

Case Studies:

CoreTech state that:
  • the test house was built 2 years ago
  • and has been using CoreTech heating connected to the ESB mains.

The stated efficiecies.

  • For an 1800 square foot house
  • provided with 8 months of heating
  • switched on for 24/7, and producing levels of comfort above any other heating system, “no other heating system can boast such levels of comfort and control.”
  • The usage is only 3572 Kw/Hours for 8 months of 24hours a day heating to above average comfort levels.

The Maths
  • 8 months or say 240 days
  • x 24 hours per day = 5760 hours
  • 3572 Kilo Watt Hours divided by 5760 hours
  • That's an average of only 620 Watts per hour to heat a complete house!!!!!!!!!!
That is like saying an average equivalent of a 100-watt bulb in each room will keep the house at an above average level of comfort. This is either one of the mot important discoveries ever in heating efficiency or it is a load of rubbish produced by faulty science.


1 comment:

  1. Sure, you can heat a room with low amounts of power... with certain assumptions. They haven't said anything about the room itself: well-insulated? The amount of heat lost through the walls and ceiling are central to this question. I think they're also assuming that no-one ever enters or leaves the room...
