Thursday, July 19, 2007

Chinese Vertical Axis Wind Generators


Chinese Wind Generators

I came across a lot of Chinese windmills while digging for information. But this one is especially interesting as it uses the vertical axis design.

I am waiting to hear from the company regarding prices etc. Hopefully they will offer low cost products and it will be interesting to see how these pan out for reliability etc. when tested in the west. I just hope the Chinese are not to coy with communications and information!!!

Here is the technical specs. for their 3Kw model: Model P-3000-G
Mill diameter: 300 cm Blade length: 360 cm
Start up wind speed: 2 m/s Working wind speed: 4-25 m/s
Rating wind speed: 12 m/s Safe wind speed: 50 m/s
Rating power: 3000 w Rating out put: DC 200~450 V
Governed speed style: Aerodynamics Brake style: Mechanism
Pillar high: 5.5 m Net weight: 500 Kg (No Pillar)

I have copied some of the company's blurb on their product along with some very poor quality photos. Here is the site link:

(Sorry for the terrible quality of the photos but this company use absolutly tiny jpegs and not great photos to begin with)

The company blurb:

We are an innovative company engaged in vertical axis wind turbine generator technology. We entered Shanghai China in 2005. Our research focuses on vertical axis wind turbine generator including systematic study on aerodynamics, materials, structures and generators.

We have made breakthroughs in commercializing of vertical axis wind generator, the worldwide Sphinx's riddle. We have completed product designs for 200-watt, 300-watt, 500-watt, 1000-watt, 3000-watt,10kw and ready for marketing and sales. 200-watt and 300-watt products have successfully gone through experiments many times in wind tunnel.

One 300-watt product has been installed in the national highway monitoring system in northern part of China. With more financing, we will begin manufacturing samples of megawatt products and conduct on site tests. We have obtained 8 international invention patents which is the threshold to enter the vertical axis wind turbine section. Our products are going to completely replace the products of traditional horizontal axis wind turbine generator in the near future.

Q: What is Vertical Axis Wind Turbine compared with traditional horizontal axis wind turbine?
A: If the pivot of the turbine is vertical to the ground, then it is a vertical axis wind turbine, and visaversa. Most of the wind turbines, the ones with three blades that we see frequently today are horizontal axis wind turbines.

Q: Why vertical axis wind turbines make much less noise than horizontal axis wind turbines?
A: The cause of noise is mainly because of blades cutting through air flow. However, air flow
through vertical axis wind turbine is different and the rotation speed is much lower. As a
result, it produces much less noise, almost no noise at all.

Q: Why are our products most advanced?
A: The design and development of the products followed a strict process. Firstly, we verified
our ideas by relevant theories, and then conducted computer facilitated simulation (CFD).
When choosing materials, we calculated, compared and adjusted intensity of various types of
materials. Before finalizing the design, each new product has to go through countless
experiments in wind tunnel to further prove its functions. We already have 9 international
invention patents resulted from the research. So Aeolus is the leader in the vertical axis wind
turbine section of the industry with cutting edge products and it is the only one who has
successfully transferred the technology to manufacturing.

Q: Who are the potential users of vertical axis wind turbine?
A: As it has advantages such as lower noise, it can be used in both rural and urban areas given
the local wind and site conditions fit. Public lighting, monitor controlling system, oil fields
and other city facilities and commercial purposes could use our products as well. Because
wind directions don’t affect the function of the equipment, so it works even better on
yachts, islands, offshore oil fields where wind is more turbulent.


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