Friday, May 25, 2007

Wood Pellet Price and Supply


is holding
Wood Pellet prices
and supply Stable.

It looks like the supply and price of wood pellets is stabilising in Ireland, mainly due to Balcas Ltd. in the North. Their problem last winter was one of delivery, not so much a manufacturing shortfall. They tell me they now have increased delivery capacity and there should be no problems this coming winter.

Their price of bulk pellets this year is €160 plus VAT per ton delivered. This is very good news for those with bulk storage.

The bagged product however, which is only sold through retailers, works out at nearly twice the price of the bulk product with a 10Kg bag costing €3. It would not make any economic sense to use bagged product at that rate. As far as I know there are roughly 1016 Kg per ton or if it is a metric tonne it would be 1000Kg even. At €3 per 10 Kg bag it works out at €305 per ton or €300 per metric tonne - you would not be saving much on oil costs at that sort of price.


1 comment:

  1. Hi, I would like to reccommend this website: - wood pellets biomasses and stoves company directory and product reviews.
    It's a community-driven website and, IMHO, a great idea. Anybody can add a company or a product and review it.

