Saturday, April 07, 2007

Steorn & Global Warming


Steorn & Global Warming
There is a current sense of holding one's breath
in anticipation of both the BAD and the GOOD.

On the one hand there are the dire predictions of the scientists about the effects of global warming. This coupled with the Al Gores horror movie adds up to producing a general sense of unease, dread and anxiety.

On the good side of the anticipation scales, are the various "save the earth energy sources" news items. Not least among these was the story last year that the Irish company Steorn had invented an all magnet "Over Unity" perpetual motion generator.

But sad to say, Steorn has missed a March 31st deadline for announcing the first series of tests and evaluations by an "independent" jury/panel of scientists. Why such a deadline should be missed would tend to lead one to question yet again the validity of their claim of "Over Unity" energy generation. Yet there is a persistant and nagging sense of hope, like a child's anticipation of Santa's visit at Christmas or of a fairy godmother's magic, which outlasts all the failed science, the scams, and the failed-to-run projects that have made the news in recent years.

Some of the real science good-news stories that hold promise are mainly centred around the use of alternative fuels such as bio-diesel and bio-mass energy generation.


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