Thursday, February 08, 2007


There Appears to be a
Frightening Lack

The Irish Government has allocated €8m in grants to promote the planting of willow and miscanthus for biomass. The grants to farmers will be up to 50% of the costs associated with establishing miscanthus and willow on set-aside land and on areas which have been aided by the EU Premium of €45 per hectare. Farmers could receive up to €1,450 per hectare towards establishment costs.

Full details of the scheme are now available from the Department of Agriculture and Food and the closing date for applications is February 28, 2007. The Department is also introducing an additional top-up payment of €80 per hectare in 2007 to support the growing of energy crops.

But Hang on a Moment!

The total area eligible for grant assistance is only 1400 hectares. This would be just 70 individual applications with full allocation take up - BIG DEAL!!

SEI promoted wood pellet heaters without giving a thought to the supply of wood pellets - who is to say this initiative isn't just as stupidly thought out?

I also wonder if there is any consideration given to how the biomass fuel will be (1) transported, (2) processed, (3) stored, and most importantly (4) by whom, and how will it be used??

Is the ESB Electricity Supply Board gearing up some of its generators to use this stuff? Who will sell it, who will put a price on it?

Would it not be better just to flush the money down a drain? Or am I being to hard and critical?

You asked about the significance of the bird? - Think bird-brain!


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