Friday, December 22, 2006

Review of this blog's year


This blog was first posted on Wednesday 7th June last. That's just over 28 weeks ago. The counter shows that there have been 27, 036 page loads since the blog went live. That means the average has been almost 1000 per week.

It would appear therefore that this blog has gained a fair sized readership. I am counting that as a success in itself. Judging from the letters and comments I have received, it has drawn a fair deal of reaction, both positive and negative. The reaction has been mainly positive and supportive. I am counting that as another success!

The blog has managed to rattle a few cages in the commercial world. The price comparisons have proved to be most irritating to some readers in business. This I count as another success.

The blog has failed to draw ANY response whatsoever from SEI. I do not count this as a failure as I have maintained, more or less, that there is no life in SEI anyway. Maybe that should read, no intelligent life in SEI!!

If I have caused any few people to avoid a rip off, or provoked some thought on renewable energy in any few minds, I am happy with my efforts during the year. I hope to keep up the blog in 2007 and nail a few more cowboys!


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