Thursday, December 21, 2006

My List for Santa


My List for Santa

Dear Santa,

Can I please have the following things delivered for Christmas or any time during the New Year would also be fine.

1. That the price of Renewable Energy equipment in Ireland comes into line with the rest of Europe. With lots and lots of real competition.
2. Proper regulation (with teeth) of prices for equipment and installers by SEI. Or the disbanding of the present SEI and its replacement with a more pro-active and clued-in management.
3. Proper safety standards being set for sustainable energy equipment.
4. The promotion of wood pellet manufacture in Ireland.
5. Active government interest and input to ensure stable prices and good supplies of wood pellets.
6. A huge increase in wind generation capacity in Ireland.
7. Massive and immediate investment in BioMass power generation.
8. The disbanding of ESB and its replacement with a proper management system.
9. Grants and investment in the production of BioDeisel.

Can I please reserve the right to add to my list.

Many thanks Santa!


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