Monday, December 11, 2006

Irish Energy Policy

The Celtic Knot - Symbol of Irish Energy Planning

Well, if Ireland's Sustainable Energy Planning lacks "joined up thinking", it certainly does not lack length and knots.

1. Promote wood pellet heating installations - but do not give a thought to fuel supply!
2. Promote wind power - but allow ESB to dictate just how much wind energy they will allow on the network!
3. Grant aid domestic alternative energy installations - but have no thought of standards, safety or value for money, allow the cowboys and gougers to do their worst!
4. Plan to have 30% of Ireland's energy delivered from sustainable mean by the year 2020 - but no thought of how the remaining 70% can be achieved in the last 5 to 10 years of oil????
5. Talk of atomic energy in Ireland - but - no but - it is madness!!

Oh for heaven's sake - can it get any more twisted or knotted than that?


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